In order to leave a product review on Rivly, you must first meet a few criteria. These rules are in place to help prevent and track fraud throughout our marketplace in addition to the various software protections that we have in place.
The criteria are as follows:
- Must have a shopper account created with name, email and password
- Verified email address in your account
- Passed the identity verification process for your shopper account
- Product must have been purchased on Rivly in the same shopper account as the one leaving the review
- Maximum of 1 review per product
- Shopper leaving review must not also be the seller (or family/friends) of the same product or competitive products
Email addresses are sent a verification email with a link immediately upon sign up. Please check your spam folder if you feel that you did not receive it. If you wish to have another verification email sent, please go to your User Profile in the user dropdown menu and you can request another one to be sent.
Verifying your identity is also a necessary step in unlocking the review and rewards feature. If you have not yet done so, you will be prompted each time you visit the Reviews page or will also be asked to verify your identity when you click to Leave a review on your Orders page.
While we do understand that there are several places to choose from when purchasing products, we are forced to only allow reviews on products that we know were purchased on Rivly in the same shopper account. This implies some degree of protection to the integrity of our review system. You may feel free to comment on your comparisons to other products available as customers find this information very helpful, but the original product that the review has been left for must have been purchased on Rivly.
The last criteria goes without saying since the seller of an item (or their family/friends) will always have an inherent bias when reviewing their product or any products that could be perceived as a competitor. We have tracking measures in place to prevent this from occurring and if we discover that this behavior has happened, we reserve the right to permanently suspend any affected accounts (shopper or seller). In addition, our tracking systems will continue to gain sophistication and we may institute further safeguards in the future that will apply retroactively as well as going forward in order to prevent abuse. It is vitally important that we try to maintain an honest and transparent review system.